Before we checked out all the art, we headed to Blends located on 4th street, they were having a party for the release of the NSW Collection and (Un)Natural Selection Installation. I wasn't really down, but when DJ said FREE food and FREE drinks then I'm there.
This was the only thing keeping me in there, thank you FAN!
Also headed to Comme De Garcones Guerilla store, its crazy. They got like 10 cats working there, and its super small.
See, this dude knows everyone.
headed out to check out some art and whatevers going on in the streets of downtown.
This was probably the coolest thing i saw, it had like 10 binocular ends that you look through and it shows you who you think is the 3 coolest people you know. Ed was first to check and he said " o shit"
Then it was D's turn, and he said "o wow"
Then I was like wut? and i looked too and I saw DJ and Ed with Santa Clause. I used my "cool" camera to take a picture of this rare image, and it was mad clear! All three of us saw this through the binoculars!!!
Afterwards we headed to Upperplayground/Mr.Cartoon/Estevan Oriol located on 6th street. This was when we knew we were getting closer to the heart of skid row.
Lastly, headed to the "spot" to get DJ his fake id. The dude who hooks it up doesn't want to show his face. but!
I snapped a picture anways! while he was throwing me a gatorade over the bullet proof walls.
If you find anybody else with a name this fcked up, let me know HAHA. Owell DJ was happy with his id. Now he is known as " A A A A A Adedeleadeseye". His mom was probably stuttering to the nurse when she named him.
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