Our good friend Jovan, owner of PHRE$CRU came through the shop to drop off a few Vintage WESTSIDE New Era Snapbacks that we'll be carrying in the store. Being born in Los Angeles, we had to represent. Keep it clean and simple kids....
Limited Quantity: $39.99 each
Limited Quantity: $39.99 each
P H R E $ C R U
Colors available: Green/Navy/Offwhite.
The best part of these hats is that its Brand new Vintage New Eras...From the 80's

Good People Helping Good people.
L O S A N G E L E S l D T L A l L I T T L E T O K Y O l 3 3 4 A
L O S A N G E L E S l D T L A l L I T T L E T O K Y O l 3 3 4 A
I wanna cop one of these,what's the link???
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