Chillen relaxing behind the counter.
I wonder if he got his laziness from his mom or dad...
Below is one of our customers who's been MIA for a while now, but Kevin finally strolled right in and told us about how we effed his knee while playing ball, they had to take off his whole knee cap off. OUCH!
A little close up after surgery. At least you won't be creasing your shoes for the next 6 months!
Edouche practicing some modeling poses, just incase he can't sell shoes all his life. I can see it now, front page of GQ magazine.
Los Angeles is land of the tatted people.
Is that who I think it is? YUPP, Mr. AIR MAX has made another appearance! along with his wifey.
Only had these babies for a couple days, so sad to see them go to another home. Netting is pure colgate white, bubble extremely clear, IMMACULATE.
Lots and LOTS of goodies came in today, Click HERE for the new arrivals for today.
You didn't know we wrap shoes for a small fee of $1.00 a pair? Well take advantage now and bring any shoes you want shrink wrap.
Had to snap a picture of these ILL safari dunk low customs and the paint wasn't cracking at all.
DAMMM there was like 3 spiders in this dam shoe. People who keep their shoes hidden in the dark for years should do an annual check up on their shoes to make sure no spiders are chillen.
Got in a few ORIGINAL Jordans you rarely ever see in brand new condition. Too bad these September blues are cracking, but these would be great piece to add to your ORIGINAL AJ collection.
Original steels, one of the many jordans I remember seeing my cousin rockin back in '94 along with his Raiders jersey.
Who wants to pop some tags?
Ya boy Jeffrey James contributing some AIs to the Haiti donation box.
Christen is the first girl to actually walk into our store and donate some shoes for the woman of Haiti.
Thank you very much! Someone will definitely put those UGGS to use.
Hopefully you find a extra 10.5-11 very soon :) Defintely GOOD PEOPLES!
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