As you can tell we haven't really been blogging as much, just due to the fact that we've been swamped with consignment. But make sure to swing by and check out the shop, not all the deals make it on the site.

How do you think the Lakers are going to do in the playoffs?

LeBron looking a little worried. Don't wuwwy you wont get a ring this year either haha:)

Which galaxy shoe did you guys like the best. ( obviously everyone wanted the foams )

This shoe cleaner works miracles. You guys should try it if you haven't yet. The brown bottle is the UNDFTD Collab they did. Check out their site .

These Oregon 9s are extremely Nice.

But honestly I like the White cement 3's way more.

What manwell wore . WTAPS SK8 Hi.

Original Gangster.

Black supreme Trainer SAMPLE.

DS Heineken for only 575$ Can't beat that .

OG Olympic 7s for the little one.

These for the summer? - Manwell

Aloha cafe for the hungry stomach.

Chicken wrap for MOORAD.

Carl a little upset that we didn't save him any food.

Dunk City b**ch.